

Mikhaeyla Kopievsky: if Asimov & Bradbury had a dystopian love child.

Amazon review for Resistance (Divided Elements #1)

Creator of the Divided Elements series
Divided Elements is my debut offering. This classic dystopian tale is set in a future Paris where everything is engineered for efficiency, including personalities, and a golden age of excess and mindless consumption keeps the population compliant. Until forbidden murals start appearing on crumbling concrete walls, calling the masses to revolt.

Book Punk
I write literary and speculative fiction stories that:
* are mostly dark, sometimes weird, always rebellious
* explore themes of self vs other, human connection, and fighting the status quo
* always pass the Bechdel test

Writer on a Journey
I’ve been journaling my writing experience on this site since 2013, when I first decided that I wanted to take this ‘becoming an author’ thing seriously.

Over the years, I’ve learnt so much from the generosity of critique partners, the wisdom of writing masters, the musings of and conversations with other writers, and the discipline of just sitting down to write.

“In this brilliantly written dark dystopian, readers meet two sides of Anaiya 234 – and discover her mission will forever change her identity…This is a fast-paced read full of creative world-building, complex characters, and vivid writing.”

Resistance (Divided Elements #1) – Winner of 2017 OneBookTwo Standout Award and Semi-finalist in Hugh Howey’s inaugural SPSF Competition.

Discover more from Mikhaeyla Kopievsky

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